March 25 is World Day of Prayer for Women's Ordination

March 25th is the World Day of Prayer for Women's Ordination. Every year on this day -- the feast of the Annunciation -- WOW asks you to join the global women's ordination movement to bring attention to the issue and to spread the good news about women's leadership in the church. Here are 3 ways you take action with us!

1. Pray

2. Twitter Action

Here are some examples of tweets to send on World Day of Prayer:

On the Feast of the Annunciation, Catholics around the world pray for women's ordination in our Church ‪#‎ordain‬ women

"Every type of discrimination... is to be overcome and eradicated as contrary to God's intent" Gaudium et Spes, 29 ‪#‎ordainwomen‬

Like Mary, who freely gave her yes to God to bear Christ for the world, women called to priestly ministry yearn to respond YES #ordainwomen

As Mary knew: with God all things are possible. And so we pray for ‪#‎PopeFrancis‬ & we pray for our Church #ordainwomen

3. Support WOW's efforts financially

Make a financial contribution to one of WOW's member groups. Even a small donation can make a big difference! 

Thank you for taking action and for your ongoing support! You are a blessing!